LACC Film Series – Fall 2024 / Serie III

November 10, 2024 / 6:00 pm

The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) is proud to introduce its Fall 2024 Film Series at the Latin American Cultural Center (LACC) in Oakland.

The LACC Film Series will take place on four Sundays between September and December 2024, including four short films (three documentaries and one fiction), and four feature films, produced or co-produced in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Mexico. All films will be shown in their original language (including Spanish, Portuguese, Náhuatl or Wichí Lhämtès) with English subtitles.

Join us in this must-see series, as we explore issues related to Latin American stories, art, culture, environmental concerns, social struggles and points of view.

Film Series III

Short + Fiction

Showtime: 6:00 PM
Total screening time: 93 minutes 

El Precio del Oro/The Price of Gold

Directed by Raúl Zecca Castel
Dominican Republic, 2020, 16 minutes
Spanish with English subtitles

Short documentary

They call it the Monster. The second largest open pit gold and silver mine in the world at Pueblo Viejo, in Sánchez Ramírez province, Dominican Republic is merely 60 miles from the capital of Santo Domingo, in a country that represents a tourism paradise.




Directed by Ivan Herrera
Argentina, 2021, 89 minutes
Spanish, wichí lhamtés, güisnay, with English subtitles

Feature, Fiction

Although the so-called “conquest of the Chaco” supposedly came to an end at the beginning of the 20th century, it continues today in hidden forms. Daniela Seggiaro, a native of this region, captures these attempts to surrender to the present and the resistance against them.



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LACC Film Series – Fall 2024 / Serie III


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The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) is proud to introduce its Fall 2024 Film Series at the Latin American Cultural Center (LACC) in Oakland.

The LACC Film Series will take place on four Sundays between September and December 2024, including four short films (three documentaries and one fiction), and four feature films, produced or co-produced in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Mexico. All films will be shown in their original language (including Spanish, Portuguese, Náhuatl or Wichí Lhämtès) with English subtitles.

Join us in this must-see series, as we explore issues related to Latin American stories, art, culture, environmental concerns, social struggles and points of view.

Film Series III

Short + Fiction

Showtime: 6:00 PM
Total screening time: 93 minutes 

El Precio del Oro/The Price of Gold

Directed by Raúl Zecca Castel
Dominican Republic, 2020, 16 minutes
Spanish with English subtitles

Short documentary

They call it the Monster. The second largest open pit gold and silver mine in the world at Pueblo Viejo, in Sánchez Ramírez province, Dominican Republic is merely 60 miles from the capital of Santo Domingo, in a country that represents a tourism paradise.

Le dicen el monstruo. Es la mina de Pueblo viejo, en la provincia de Sánchez Ramírez, República Dominicana, país que en el imaginario internacional representa uno de los paraísos turísticos más codiciados del Caribe. Aquí, sin embargo, a 100 kilómetros de la capital, una grieta profunda de 300 metros desgarra la tierra por más de dos kilómetros, como una cicatriz abierta en el corazón de un paisaje tropical; la segunda mina a Cielo abierto más grande del mundo.




Directed by Ivan Herrera
Argentina, 2021, 89 minutes
Spanish, wichí lhamtés, güisnay, with English subtitles

Feature, Fiction

Although the so-called “conquest of the Chaco” supposedly came to an end at the beginning of the 20th century, it continues today in hidden forms. Daniela Seggiaro, a native of this region, captures these attempts to surrender to the present and the resistance against them.

Aunque la supuesta conquista del Chaco culminó al principio del siglo 20, continua hoy en día de manera surrepticia. Daniela Seggiaro, autóctona de la región, representa esos intentos de doblegarles ante el presente, y la resistencia en su contra.



Event Details

Date: November 10, 2024

Start time: 06:00 p.m. EDT

End time: 08:00 p.m. EDT

Venue: Latin American Cultural Center

Phone: +1 (412) 383-8078


Curator: Claudia Ferman

All programming includes one short film and one fiction feature.

Films general rating: PG

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